USSAC Services
USSAC is in the Government Grant phase. We are also taking donations from visitors like you. We will be introducing many productive and supportive services for all veterans. Our clients will be those soldiers and service personnel who have returned from recent wars.
Employment Opportunities
United States Soldiers Assistance Center provides counseling to our clients to determine the skills or experience they have to facilitate placement in a suitable career path. Our goal is to help to get our clients to get back on their feet and get them back into their normal surroundings. We will contact various employers on behalf of our clients to help them reach their employment goals. For example:
Business Opportunity
Clients also can get the chance to invest by borrowing from the Center and using available grant monies in some kind of business venture, like the opening of a restaurant, pizza place, or other types of businesses which create employment and generate income for themselves and their families and other Americans, we strongly support. They can become business owners and entrepreneurs.
Medical attention is a first priority for our clients. We want to make sure that our clients get the whole care they deserve. We will create special facilities which will provide physical, mental, and dental care for our clients. Our focus is on returning our clients to the civilian world as close to their original state as possible, with particular attention to PTSD, drug or alcohol abuse-related issues, using physical therapy, natural therapy,and counseling.
USSAC will provide the clients with housing accommodation for those who do not have family and have nowhere to live. For the first two years after their return from war, we offer housing accommodation. Another option for housing includes a certain voucher which will be given to the client in case they want to stay with their family and use their family's accommodation.